Granite Facts

Land Division

Granite, an igneous rock that is rich in quartz and feldspar; it is the most common plutonic rock of the Earth’s crust, forming by the cooling of magma at depth. It stands up to weathering and time better than any other building material, natural or manmade.

It is also one of the most popular types of stone used in architecture, construction and decoration. Its dense grain makes it highly resistant to scratching and staining.
Granite is the main component that makes up the Earth’s continental crust and is one of the hardest substances in the world. The only material that is harder than this natural stone is a diamond. 
The pattern and colour of every piece of this natural stone is unique. All slabs are different because they have different formations and compositions and due to its origins of volcanic magma it can tolerate temperatures of around 100 °C. 
Blue and red granites are the rarest colours, as theypredominantly white, yellow or grey in colour. The production of blue and red colours is very limited.
Granite is considered an eco-friendly product because it doesn’t emit harmful gases or contain chemicals. Production and quarrying processes are more responsible than ever. This renewable resource can be reused for all types of cladding and flooring. 

Posted Sep 23, 2020 by Admin


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